• Middle incline (steepest) , gradient of 1:3 kms and 380 m
• Bottom (original) 320 meters
Access to the bottom incline starts where the 4WD track leave the valley floor and heads steeply up hill. Instead of going up the track, drop off the side to the west towards the river, down a bank you easily pick up a distinctive track that would have been the tramline and track . It heads up to the junction in the river where the western ravine comes down and meets the eastern ravine (and a third stream comes in here from the west).
(250 m from 4WD track)
There is also a water race in the same area.
This is a picture of the track looking back down the river away from the junction.
The incline heads steeply up a narrow ridge line between the two rivers and still has sleepers, post etc in places.
This is the old picture of the incline in action from the bottom and a more recent one (would be good to get another one from the same spot)
The incline crosses the 4WD road in a couple of places and there is one section that is not worth perservering with as there is bush lawyer etc
It is easy to find in most places as it goes straight up the hill and is well preserved. The number two incline is at 240 m elevation (41°04.396'S, 174°10.271'E) and is distinctive and just in from a bend in the road. It finishes at the upper end of the settlement.
The third or top incline looks like it heads off from the end of the 2nd but seems to have moslty disappeared. A track goes off to the west away from the settlement until it crosses the 4WD road but it wasnt clear if this was an incline or not. We didnt find anything after that. Best guess would be that the road in the 1970's obliterated it?
But we did fine another very distinctive tramline intersecting with this track which came around the side of the hill from the East at the 400 m mark . It is marked on the map as the top rail line. It was quite a significant construction and worth a walk around the hill side until it disappears